We appreciate your selection of Polaris Tax & Accounting to assist you with your Annual Report Filing. This communication serves to confirm the terms of our engagement and delineate the scope of the services we will provide.

Our commitment involves the preparation of your Annual Report Filings based on the information supplied by you. This information will be gathered through the utilization of a digital organizer, client interviews, or a combination of both methods. Upon completion of the Annual Report Filings, we will furnish you with a copy of the submitted document and/or confirmation. It is assumed that the information in your Digital Organizer and any additional details provided to us are accurate, true, correct, and complete. Consequently, your submission of the digital organizer authorizes our Firm to submit your Annual Report Filings. We will be held harmless by any errors or misstatements in the information you provide to us, and our firm reserves the right to charge an additional fee for modifications resulting from such inaccuracies.

As per the general due diligence standards of our profession, we may rely in good faith on information provided by you or third parties, including previously filed returns, to prepare and file your Annual Report Filings. Although we may request additional information from you, our firm will not independently audit, review, or verify the data submitted. We reserve the right to make reasonable inquiries if the provided information appears to be incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent.

You agree to hold us harmless for any errors in your Annual Report Filings resulting from our good-faith reliance on information reported by you or from your prior tax returns. If amendments to previously filed Annual Report Filings are required due to our reliance on inaccurate information from you, additional billing may apply.

Both individuals and corporate entities can be held liable for failing to file an Annual Report. Timely provision of all necessary information is crucial for meeting filing deadlines, and you are responsible for any penalties associated with failure to file the Annual Report Filings. You must remain engaged in the process, responsive to requests, and aware of deadlines.

Our policy is to retain records related to this engagement for four years, after which they are destroyed. Original client records will be returned to you upon completion of our services. It is your responsibility to retain and protect these records for potential future use.

Confidential communications may be exchanged via facsimile transmission or email. While we strive to secure such communications, we cannot control unauthorized interceptions once sent. Your consent to the use of electronic communication is assumed during this engagement.

For legal advice or interpretation of the Annual Report Filings we recommend consulting qualified legal advisors, as Polaris Tax & Accounting is not a Legal Firm and cannot provide legal advice.

Should you decide not to proceed with the filing process after the initiation or completion of your Annual Report Filings, you remain responsible for the full invoice amount associated with its preparation, and immediate payment will be required.

The invoice is due prior to the commencement of this engagement. In case of disputes, the parties agree to attempt mediation in good faith, administered by the American Arbitration Association, before proceeding to arbitration. Mediation costs shall be shared equally by all parties.